We had a lot of fun taking these pics today. I did a similar one with Trevor, so I had to do them with the boys.
Well, update from the pediatrician is that ther eis a definate concern over the boys hearing. they are just not responsive to low noises and do not turn thier heads to seek out the source of a noisse. We do not suspect total loss since they startle with loud noises. The pediatrician is trying to find a good ENT to do the testing which will be a very involved hearing test. The concern is that they were on Gentamyacin in the NICU for sepsis. Even though they monitor blood levels of the drug and dose it based on the amount in the blood stream, there is still a very big risk of hearing loss. Honestly cant say i would have done anything different as our boys are here and alive and thriving.
Both boys gained exactly 2 pound since the last appointment 6 weeks ago. Logan weighed in at 13lb 3 oz and Connor 14lb 8 oz. Dr is pleased that Logan is gaining about an ounce a day with his new formula concentration. We get to start real food now. Cereal first and then progressing on to greens, yellows and oranges. She said every 3 days try something new as long as they are tolerating it. They gagged on the cereal I gave them, so I think it is just the texture.
We will keep everyone posted on the progress and the hearing test findings.