Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long overdue for an update.....

Trevor's new love is baseball. We are thinking of haivng him play ball this summer. He is doing well at catching and hitting.

Just before the bus this morning....
Logan says "roar"!!!!

The duo continues to learn more words everyday. They are still 25 and 26lbs, and we are fully into 18 months clothes and a few 24 months tops and rompers.
Trevor is growing liek crazy. He got taller I swear!
I have been working a lot lately, but I dont mind, it isn't hard work. John is still searching for a job, and I am sure something will come up soon, but for now I don't have to do any house cleaning since he does it all. Can we say "spoiled"? I truely am. So when I am not working, I am playing or on the computer.
I am down 34 lbs now and even though I havent lost but a pound since my last update, things are transfoming, so I can only assume it is muscle exchanging for fat. I so enjoy shopping now. I went to the store yesterday and bought a new shirt in a size MEDIUM!!!!!!! Ahhhh, the days of XL and XXL are gone for good!
We are doing so well. Will do better at keeping up the blog and wont let so much time pass!
Love to all!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Nanny and GrandDad visited us for a few days.

We went to the Zoo Wednesday which was a gorgeous and sunny day. I dint have any pictures of GrandDad.
Below at the Gorilla house. The Gorilla was facing Connor and he ran right up to the glass and tried to give the gorilla a hug. Logan covered his face and refused to look at the big gorilla. So funny how different thier approach is to things. I definately have my little intorvert and extrovert.

It was a short visit. On Thursday we went to the Union Station Downtown. That was nice for some local shopping. Trevor was able to get in some good swimming at the pool at Nanny and GranDad's hotel. It is always nice to get to see them!

"my parents are exhausted"

How true! Look at my big boys. Are they not incredibly gorgeous? They are growing up so quickly.

Today I am tooting my own horn!

Many saw me on my visit home with family and friends in March. I have been working very hard since just after Christmas when I realized I wasn't happy with my health and I wasn't happy wiht how I felt. I knew I was going to be turning 34 and I wasn't going to enter my mid-30's being fat, so I decided to do something about it. Immediately I began eating differently and enjoying salads and taking a new outlook on how I ate. I no longer felt the need to have every sweet morsel. Today I read labels and eat very low-fat and continue to control my intake. I eat mostly fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats. I turned in my caramel mochas at Starbucks and switched out for skinny mochas (non-fat and sugar-free). (Thank you Starbucks!!!!!!!!) And last I adopted my own exercise regimen. I went back to basics- push-ups, crunches and using my Bali band for resistance. Soon I plan to be out walking and jogging in the spring weather.

So I wanted to toot my own horn. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. I still have 27 lbs to go to get to my goal weight- but I can do it. Total so fat I have lost 33 lbs. Below you can see my before and current pictures.

Christmas-me at my fattest (Oh and those clothes were donated now since they were too big!!!)
Me now-wearing new duds and a belt!!!! Gulp!