Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Couldn't resist these cuties!


Goodbye "lil extra".....

Today is the day and Connor has surgery to fix his hydrocele and hae "lil extra" removed. We are glad we have lots of pictures so one day he can see his small guy. Sadly, Connor will no longer be able ot give "2 thumbs up" with just one hand. Good luck today buddy and Mommy wil be there when you wake up. We love you!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The boys were able to sport these matching short outfits today as the temperature got in the mids 80's. They even sweat today!!! We had a nice day out, helped Nanny move, and got more use out of the new double snap and go stroller. I will post pix later of that as I havent taken any. It is the greatest twin invention ever!!
In the picture, Connor is on the left and Logan on the right!!

Smiley happy people (at least for five minutes)...

The boys were enjoying the Boppy gym for a bit. It does seem they are going a bit longer at stimulating themselves and smiling at the overhanging toys before resorting to crying (sigh). Connor is trying hard to roll himself, but needs a bit more practice.

We take all the help we can get!

Aunt Sue came over to reliev Daddy for a bit so he could do some things around the house. She is brave to take on both boys at once! Luckily they were fast asleep!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


People often ask what it is like to have twins. Well, If it is a moment like now where I am writing to purely keep my sanity, I would have to say it is like someone is holding your head under water and only occasionally lets you up for air. Colic and illness are not things you bargain for when you find out you are pregnant. You dont think about hours of crying (in stereo!) and as soon as one is calm, you put them down to deal with the other and it is a vicious circle with no end. Often, when we are out and about, John and I encounter ignorant people who giggle with excitement at the thought of twins, comment on how cute they are, make small chit-chat about whether they are identical or not, how old are they. Then comes the dreaded comments and questions like "do you get any sleep?" and "Boy you sure have your hands full." It is this point where we cringe. Miss manners would surely agree that these comments are not kosher amongst new parents of twins. People!, No, we do not sleep! Yes, we have our hands full!
I am freaking out and I am with them only for a couple of hours. John is with them 16 hours a day. He must have nerves of steel, because I would surely be clinically insane! He deserves some serious props, because he is raising twins. It is harder than any job you could go to. So, yes, John does work hard- very hard, and he deserves to hear it once in awhile! ( I am very bad about this) John you are an amazing Father to all of our boys and a wonderful husband for taking on the responsibility to raise the twins!
Then there are the days when they feel well and they are smiley and sleep well and eat well and we stare in wonderment and amazement at the miracles bestowed upon us. WE think, "Wow, we were chosen". They are amazing little beings and so adorable. (see pictures below)
So, for our sake, for the parents of twins sake, next time you are out and about and you see new parents (or old parents for that matter) of twins, simply say "i admire you", "you are doing a good job", or simply "you are blessed" and if you know them well, "can I help you with anything?"
So, to sum it up, This is the best and worst thing we have ever gone through. It is mentally and physically draining, yet fulfilling at the same time.

new pix

connor (left) and logan

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Quick update...
Monday, Connor had a follow-up echo and visit at the cardiologist. Good news, one VSD has closed and he now only has the one VSD and a PFO in the atrial septum. As he grows, these should close. He doesnt have to go back for 6 months.
Logan had a follow up for his retinopathy of prematurity and it has resolved. He wont need to go back until he is a year old.

Today, the boys had to go to the Dr and both have ear infections agian. The dr is talking about tubes in the future. For now we will continue treating with antibiotics.

Logan 8lb 7.5 oz
Connor 9lb 13 oz.

Promise more pictures later! They are too cute and their hair is coming in on top finally!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bath time is so fun....

Thanks for the privacy, Mom!!!

Big boys!!

Logan is on the left, Connor on the right. (Logan's smiling!!!)
These little outfits are from Aunt Judy and Jessica. Thank you!! They are so comfy and soft!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Connor is all smiles...

Caught on of Connor's first real smiles!
It is one of our first developmental milestones and he is at least 2 weeks ahead by his corrected age. His corrected age is one month and smiles are at 6 weeks. We are so proud. Logan does little smiles, but not as reactive as Connor. He just lights up! Logan is getting there, though.
We went to aunt Diana's yesterday and she weighed both boys.
Logan: 7lb 7oz
Connor 8lb 13 oz
Just a week ago, there was 1lb 9oz difference in thier weights and now just 1lb 6 oz. This means Logan is finally beefing up and hopefully closing the gap.
We have some upcoming follow-up consults. This Friday,5/19, Logan has a follow-up appointment to rule out retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). His retinas were immature at the last visit in the NICU. On Monday5/22 , Connor has a repeat echocardiogram and follow-up with Dr Ghazali, the peds cardiologist. He is going to check on the status of Connor's VSD's and branch pulmonary stenosis. All seems well there since the pediatrician could not hear a murmur anymore on Connor. On Tuesday, 5/23, the boys have thier 4 month check-up and (gulp) round 2 of immunizations. 4 months!!!!! I cant believe it!!
Both boys turn thier heads to hear a voice, when laying on thier belly's lift thier head up and turn it from side to side, track objects with thier eyes, gaze at the person feeding them, and smile. They are either right on or a smidge ahead for thier corrected age. Yay boys!!!!!!!!
By the way- we will refer a lot to corrected age vs. chronilogical age. To get corrected age, you subtract from the chronilogical age the # of weeks premature. This concludes todays math lesson!

Friday, May 12, 2006

15 weeks today...reflecting back

Logan 2lb 2.5 oz
Connor 2lb 7.1oz
It is so hard to believe that we are blessed to have gotten two wonderful babies on our long journey. It is so hard to look back at these times, knowing the boys had to struggle to live, breathe, eat, going home empty handed, and the 3 months of back and forth trips to the NICU.
Wow, we are 15 weeks today- almost 4 months old. As far as milestones go, they are right on for thier adjusted age. They are able to pick up thier heads when on thier belly, track with thier eyes, calm when picked up, and gaze into my eyes when feeding them. They are even starting to smile a bit and "talk" in thier little cooing voices.
We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people who have helped us out and have prayed every step of the way.
Thank you to our wonderful nurses who helped us throught the long and winding road...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Aunt Korrie to the rescue!!!!

Logan left, Connor right

She heard my plea and the desperation in my voice! Tonight Korrie came and offered us some relief so I could throw in a load of laundry and dishes in the dishwasher. She helped the boys get baths and helped feed. John was able to clean and it just felt so awesome for him to be free of the babies for a bit. Cousin Hayden came to keep Trevor occupied. I couldnt help but snap a couple pictures of Aunt Korrie holding both babies for the first time. We love you Aunt Korrie!!!!

Logan is in orange and Connor is in blue.

For Wendy

My blankie comforts me when nothing else will, thank,Logan.

another entry in the book of illnesses..

After 24 hours of pure hell, the crying has ceased (if only for the moment). John took the boys to the pediatrician this morning after explaining the 24 hours of crying and not eating. Turns out Logan has a double ear infection and Connor has it in one ear. They have thier ibuprofen and their antibiotics and peace is restored on the homefront. If we are idle on the posting for a couple of days, it is because John and I need to catch up on about 2 days of lost sleep. We feel terrible that they were suffering, but we were in a bottomless pit and were helpless. We didnt know what to do for them, they just cried and cried. Hopefully that is all behind us now.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sorry it has been so long!

Well, things are still a little hairy in this corner of the world. Connor still continues to have his crying fits that go for several hours. The guys went to see the surgeon Dr. Smith about thier hydroceles (water in the scrotum). Logan looked fine and he doesn't have to be rechecked for 3 months. Connor, though, has gotton worse. He will have surgery by late this week or early next week to repair the opening that is causing the fluid to accumulate. Poor guy just looks so uncomfortable. They will also remove the little "extra" thumb then as well.
We went for a weight check on Logan yesterday and he is now 7lb 0.5oz and Aunt Diana weighed Connor on Sunday and he was 8lb 6 oz. So they seem to continue to gain weight-a little slow- but gaining nonetheless. If I get a minutes peace tonight, I will try to post a few new pix.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

some playtime

Connor bottom, Logan top
This has been a particularly challenging week. The boys cry ALL THE TIME. They are very colicky and will go several hours of crying. I have to be honest, but it is a little nerve-racking. Both are waking up at the same time, demanding to eat, then crying for hours after eating. I am hoping this is short-lived and we get past this soon.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Me and the guys

Summing it up!


Good news

The boys were tested fro RSV, Pertussis and had a CBC done. The RSV test was negative and the CBC (complete blood count) was good. The white blood cell count was normal, so it looks like the pertussis should come back negative as well. The boys seem to be doing better and are less cranky!!! We can just chock it up to our first sickness!
Weights- Logan 6lb 12.5 oz and
Connor 8lb 1 oz!
Connor gets to graduate to regular formula now that he is gaining so well. They are starting to look like just regular babies!