People often ask what it is like to have twins. Well, If it is a moment like now where I am writing to purely keep my sanity, I would have to say it is like someone is holding your head under water and only occasionally lets you up for air. Colic and illness are not things you bargain for when you find out you are pregnant. You dont think about hours of crying (in stereo!) and as soon as one is calm, you put them down to deal with the other and it is a vicious circle with no end. Often, when we are out and about, John and I encounter ignorant people who giggle with excitement at the thought of twins, comment on how cute they are, make small chit-chat about whether they are identical or not, how old are they. Then comes the dreaded comments and questions like "do you get any sleep?" and "Boy you sure have your hands full." It is this point where we cringe. Miss manners would surely agree that these comments are not kosher amongst new parents of twins. People!, No, we do not sleep! Yes, we have our hands full!
I am freaking out and I am with them only for a couple of hours. John is with them 16 hours a day. He must have nerves of steel, because I would surely be clinically insane! He deserves some serious props, because he is raising twins. It is harder than any job you could go to. So, yes, John does work hard- very hard, and he deserves to hear it once in awhile! ( I am very bad about this) John you are an amazing Father to all of our boys and a wonderful husband for taking on the responsibility to raise the twins!
Then there are the days when they feel well and they are smiley and sleep well and eat well and we stare in wonderment and amazement at the miracles bestowed upon us. WE think, "Wow, we were chosen". They are amazing little beings and so adorable. (see pictures below)
So, for our sake, for the parents of twins sake, next time you are out and about and you see new parents (or old parents for that matter) of twins, simply say "i admire you", "you are doing a good job", or simply "you are blessed" and if you know them well, "can I help you with anything?"
So, to sum it up, This is the best and worst thing we have ever gone through. It is mentally and physically draining, yet fulfilling at the same time.
Yes! Yes! Yes! So true, Kim!
Hi Kim - Christina here. This "honesty" statement says it best. I type one handed as I hold one fussy boy and fortunately the other is sleeping for now. Your boys are absolutely adorable. They look so much alike - mine look so different from each other. Keep in touch.
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