Saturday, October 21, 2006

Quick updates.

The boys have had a touch of sickness after my 2 weeks of horrible bronchitis. I am thankful thiers is mild. They went to the DR on Thursday the 19th after a difficult night of coughing and breathing and Logan has bronchiolitis and a right ear infection and Connor has a viral upper respiratory infection. Logan was started on antibiotics and both boys are on breathing treatments three times a day. All in all this has been relatively mild in comparison to 5 months ago when they had 8 weeks straight of ear infections and were inconsolable. Both have been clingy and needy and irritable, but still very good babies. Both lost a smidge of weight.

Connor is sitting very well now. He doesnt go for too long, but he has it down. Sometimes he will get excited and end up toppling backwards. He also will scoot on his belly backwards all over the place and he got up on his hands and knees and began rocking. It wont be too long before they are both mobile.

Logan is a bit slower at this. he doesn't sit very well. We are putting him in the Bumbo seat more and hope to have him gain more upper body strength. We try to do tummy time with him but he just rolls right over and wants to be on his back. He will get there.

Just a quick note to say, Big Brother Trevor turned 6 years old on Oct 17th. YAY!

I will post some more pictures this evening as I am quite behind!

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