Friday, November 24, 2006

First Thanksgiving

Well, Wednesday we had planned on heading down town to go to the Holiday kickoff and lighting cermonies for Fort Wayne, but when I got home from work, Logan was sitting in his Bumbo and was really having a hard time breathing. I picked him up and he was breathing very fast and was irritable and his little chest was sucking in and I could hear his wheezing. I listened to his chest with my stethescope (love that I can do that) and put in a call to aunt Suz, who is also a nurse and respiratory therapist. She could hear him breathing and advised us to go right to the ER-so we did. They did an RSV test and chest Xray. The RSV was negative (phew) but the chest X ray showed he has right side pneumonia. They drew blood to look at his white blood cell count and blood culture, then also did a rapid influenza test. The flu came back negative too (double phew). Since his WBC was within the normal limits, they didn't admit him and allowed him home on antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. He also ha impetigo on his cheek and on his bottom. Poor guy. Connor is doing OK and getting over his cold, but he also has a horrible open rash on his bottom, so we are treating that with triple antibiotic ointment.
So- Logan stayed home with daddy for Thanksgiving while I took Connor and Trevor over to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Logan had his turkey meat and veggies at home. I took a plate home for John.
We had nice spread and was nice getting to spend time with family. It was nice having Aunt Di and Katy here as well as Ryan, Bobby and Uncle Jay here as this is the first Thanksgiving without Aunt Jill. We missed her. Christmas will be hard.
No shopping on this Black Friday. My experience with retail for 9 years has jaded me against the shopping crowd. Besides, I know there will be good deals to be had in the next few weeks. Let the christmas season begin. We will be putting up decorations on Sunday.

Tomorrow John and I will be married for 11 years! How lucky we are! WE got Trevor at our 5 year mark, and twins shortly after our 10 year mark. We are truely blessed.

Happy Holidays all!!!!

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