Saturday, December 30, 2006
NEWS FLASH!!!! Logan crawled!
That's right. Logan took his first crawl forward last night 12/29/06! He was a bit wobbly and only went a few feet, but he did it! He also almost got himself into that sitting position. Soon I will have 2 mobile guys (what is a mom to do?) I will try to catch pics of him tonight. Way to go big guy!!!! |
Monday, December 25, 2006
Such very handsome boys! Christmas 2006
I couldnt be a happier mom. I am so blessed to have 3 beautiful and andsome boys.
Merry Christmas to everyone and get ready for the new year!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
the final countdown..

Well, the boys are now 11 months old. Wow, it has gone by so fast. They are both sick at the moment with a virus of some sort. Trevor too. Tis the season for germs. So in jsut 28 days, the twinks will be a year old. Logan weighed 18 lb 5 oz at the DR's on Thursday. They are fitting so well in thier 6-9 month clothes and we are looking to hte 12 month size soon. I cannot believe it. I never though at the beginning of fall that they would be here already.
we are resting now so we can enjoy tomorrow at Aunt Korries and see everyone. Of course, plenty of holiday pictures will follow!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Connor is an official crawler!!!!
Yes, rest assured that the brain is developing rapidly! Connor is officially crawling full force. Watch out world, the twins are becoming mobile. Now if I calculate that back tohis adjusted age, he is already ahead of Trevor's development. Connor crawls up to items and is already tryingto pull up on them. More pix to come!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Outtakes from our Christmas photo shoot

For the finished product, you will have to wait for Christmas cards. Both boys are sooo crabby. We are pretty sure they are teething. I sure wish they would just break through. They are trying so hard to crawl forward. I will have to get some video of that.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
New skills abound....
We have mastered a new skill!!!!! Both boys have mastered self-feeding of simple Gerber pick-me -ups. Woo hoo!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mending quite well!

Grandma and Paka gave the boys their Christmas present early which is the SuperYard (top picture). It is a very nice safe-zone where only the babies toys are and they can play and roll around in safety. We absolutely love it.
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