Thursday, December 07, 2006

Outtakes from our Christmas photo shoot

For the finished product, you will have to wait for Christmas cards.
Sorry about the low quality, but I used my photobucket account to post these. Anyway, we spent a good hour trying to get all 3 boys to pose for Christmas pictures. Trevor wasnt having it. His sweater was too itchy, he said smiling was "stupid". Ahhhh, to be 6 again. The boys just wanted to crawl away (backwards, the only way they go). It was exhausting, but we got some great candids to look back on. I will next post my favorite.

Both boys are sooo crabby. We are pretty sure they are teething. I sure wish they would just break through. They are trying so hard to crawl forward. I will have to get some video of that.

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