Well, It has beena crazy week and the boys were quite ill at the beginning. they each went to the DR last Friday and had horrible ear infections and bronchilitis. We had to do steroids again and do breathing treatments. Now we have to do a breathing treatment daily until April. On Monday, we got RSV shots to keep the RSV bug away. Sofar, they have been spared, but manage to get bronchiolitis from other viruses. One virus caused them to get hives everywhere. This time they had red dots all over, but we think it is a side effect of the chicken pox vaccine they got Jan 22. Since they were sick, it is a possibility.
We are on the mend and have a follow-up appt at the pediatrician tomorrow morning. this will be our last visit with her. WE lOVE YOU DR SMITH!!!!! She is truely the best!
Bys last weights are still hovering in the 18 lb range. Not much growth occuring. Funny, we are still in the infant carriers. Can't do the new seats until 20 lbs.
Gotta go pack!
1 comment:
How are you guys???? We miss you sooo much! How are the punkie pies? We'll call soon!
Love you much!
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