Trevor is growing liek crazy. He got taller I swear!
I have been working a lot lately, but I dont mind, it isn't hard work. John is still searching for a job, and I am sure something will come up soon, but for now I don't have to do any house cleaning since he does it all. Can we say "spoiled"? I truely am. So when I am not working, I am playing or on the computer.
I am down 34 lbs now and even though I havent lost but a pound since my last update, things are transfoming, so I can only assume it is muscle exchanging for fat. I so enjoy shopping now. I went to the store yesterday and bought a new shirt in a size MEDIUM!!!!!!! Ahhhh, the days of XL and XXL are gone for good!
We are doing so well. Will do better at keeping up the blog and wont let so much time pass!
Love to all!