Saturday, September 27, 2008

Upcoming events

We have the date set for Trevor's official IEP meeting. It is Tuesday, October 7th. His plan will be official and he will be enrolled in the special education. The school is so wonderful. His "special" skill classes are so fun for him. They have already been working with him and have already helped him in the most amazing ways. He learned to tie his shoes recently (yes!) a task that was gruelling to get him to try. He loves school and looks forward to going to school everyday. He thinks he is more special because he gets to go to his skill classes and other kids do not. His reading is flourishing and seems like soon he will be caught up. He came to me yesterday and said:
"Mom, what is one million minus 999,980?" I said "Let me think about it." He blurted out "It's 20, but Mrs Bright said she wasn't impressed because she knew all along I knew the answer." He was beaming from ear to ear. He is so smart.
I can't believe my little boy is going to be 8 years old. Very soon. I am so happy he is getting the supports he needs and that he is doing so well.


Jodi and Brian said...

That is great news to hear. I'm so glad that he's excited about school. It is so important and it sounds like he is getting the support and encouragement that he needs.

I can't believe Trev is almost 8! Wow, I just don't know where the time goes.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Trev. I'm so proud of you and I miss you! What do you want for your birthday? Let me know! Love,
Aunt korrie