Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thoroughly, utterly angry and disgusted!

We took the boys to the mall tonight to see Santa. This was our second attempt as the first attempt when Korrie was here, they wouldnt let us take pictures with my camera. Same deal tonight at yet a different mall. They said the only pictures are the ones you purchase. WEll, I am sorry, but i am not paying a minimum of $20 for some crappy photos of my kids with Santa. That was the cheapest package with only 2 5x7 pictures. Last year, it was free to do. What the hell??? I told them it was pathetic. Sitting on Santas lap used to be free and you were always alowed to take your own photos. I am so irritated. WE are goign to try a couple of other venues to attempt Santa pictures, but gee, maybe it will be a thing of the past. This crappy commercialization is really pathetic, just my humble opinion.

1 comment:

Jodi and Brian said...

Hear, hear! That is crap. I hope you're able to find a Santa that doesn't have a coverage charge.