Trevor in game 2. He has hit all pitches thrown to him!

It's been awhile since I have posted on the blog. I promise that now with some more free time I will be able to put more pictures up and keep everyone posted on the boys. The duo are now 4 1/2 and are full of wonder. They talk nonstop and their laughter is infectious! They finished the first year of preschool at Headstart and it was a productive year. Both boys have IEPs for developmental delays in language and comprehension. They will be attending an intense pre Kindergarten class next fall in readiness for Kindergarten. We are excitied as this will be an enhanced program with Headstart.
Trevor finished his year out with all A's and a B. He is so smart. He is going to Summer school right now. He also began Baseball this year and is loving it. He was able to reduce his IEP and is now 90% mainstream. His 3rd grade teachers said they have him "hooked up" for 4th grade. We are so grateful for Mrs Horton and Mrs evans and the continued love and support they give Trevor. He has truely thrived again this year. We are so proud of him.
That is all for now. I promise to do a better job keeping this up for Summer.

Connor (above) Logan (below)

At the Lake
Welcome back to the blogging world! We have missed you! Enjoy the summer with your boys!
Good to read an entry on your blog. Trevor is such a handsome young man, and the boys are so cute and getting so grown up. I am glad to hear they are all doing so well.
Giới thiệu dự án Chung cu Ha Noiđược phân bố ở các quận nội thành như Chung cư Cầu giấy nơi được coi như thủ đô mới của Hà Nội, tại đây là tổ hợp các chuỗi dự án chung cư cao cấp đang được mọc lên, chung cư khu vực Thanh Xuân tiện nghi mà đầy ưu đãi Chung cư Thanh Xuân, nhưng có lẽ nổi bật nhất 2016 vẫn là dự án imperia sky garden, tại quận Hai Bà Trưng Chung cư Hai Bà Trưng được chú trọng nhiều bởi sự sang trọng, thuận tiện giao thông trong thành phố và là một trong những nơi sầm uất nhất của thủ đô.
When this short story is done, I will post it for you in the next week or so. It says "fuck." Be forewarned.
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Прикольные фото:)
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