Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Update from the pulmonologist.

Well, the boys saw a new specialist for the lungs yesterday, Dr. Chowdary. He was very pleased with Connor's progress and his ease of breathing. He prescribed Prevacid for his reflux (the Zantac is disgusting!), but wants us to thicken his formula with cereal for now and try tht first. His weight was up to 13lb 10 oz!
He was a bit displeased with Logan's progress, however. He had wondered why he hadn't been referred sooner. He was able to observe Logan eat and how it took him 45 min to eat the 6 oz bottle and he was retracting and breathing hard whenever he got excited or mad. He noted Logan pooping out at the end of his feed. Soooooooooo.. On review of his last chest Xray, he believes this is all related to the cardiac issues going on. He is failing to gain weight as he continues to use his calories to function. If he doesnt gain weight, he doesnt build healthy lung tissue and his heart works harder. Small Fry was just at 12 lbs yesterday. He is on a fluid restriction of sorts and is not allowed more than 6 oz at 4 feeds/day. Instead we have to increase his calories per ounce from 22cal/oz to 24 cal/oz by concentrating his formula more. He also was able to observe Logan reflux and spit up so Prevacid was prescribed for him as well. He also increased his diuretic Lasix again and introduced another diruetic (he had this in the NICU too) Aldactone as this is supposed to spare potassium. He is also to have regular lab work to make sure his electrolytes remain balanced. We talked about the possibility of open heart surgery if his VSD doesnt close on it's own, but that is later down the line. We are hoping he will gain some weight, but if his heart continues to compromise that, it may be necessary to help him grow. He will follow him closely.
Both boys have to get flu shots and get the synygis shot to prevent RSV. We may not see much of people this winter as we have been advised to avoid all exposure to persons who are symptomatic of colds and viruses or who are being treated for colds. WE are also not to be around any form of cigarrette smoke too. PAKA, now would be a good time to quit- for our sake!!! Thank you Grandad for quitting!!!
That is all for now, we will keep you posted of other things as they come up. Our next Dr appt with the pediatrician is on Sept 6. (more shots-crud!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there...Kim and John, let me know when I can be of service to you. I did not know Logey was having problems...I will alsways make sure our boys are healthy to visit (although that goes without saying) and I will help out when I can.

I love you all!
Aunt Korrie (and sister)