Both boys saw Dr Smith, the surgeon, yesterday for follow-ups on thier hydrocele/hernias. To refresh, both boys had umbilical (belly button) hernias and hydroceles and Connor had a bilateral(both sides) inguinal hernia (groin). Connor had surgery May 31 to repair his hernias and hydrocele. He also had his little extra thumb removed. Good news!!! Both boys have healed thier umbilical hernias. Connor got a clean bill of health from the post-op standpoint with no return of his hydrocele. Logan's hydrocele is gone. Both boys only need to return on an as needed basis. He told us preemies are susceptible to hernias in the toddler years so to report any bulges. All is good! They both gained a little more weight and Logan is at 11.5 lb and Connor is at 13lb 3 oz.
Both saw the First Steps early intervention team of physical therapists and occupational therapists Thursday. Connor scored just above his corrected age at 4 months and Logan just behind at 3 months. There was a concern that Logan had some muscle shortening on the side where his incision is, probably due to him favoring it post op. We were instructed to gently stretch and massage that area to help the muscles lengthen. Also there was a small concern regarding hearing as niether really turned toward noise. WE know both startle at loud noises, but she though maybe there was still some fluid from ear infections causing an impairment. We will follow up with the pediatrician. They will do a repeat evaluation in 3 months to see where they are then. For now, no PT or OT.
The boys just love thier Nanny!!
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