Monday, July 23, 2007

My Gorgeous Neices!

Most people who know me, know that taking pictures of those I love, is near and dear to my heart. I was so excited to have the girls here in St Louis for two whole weeks. We planned to do these pictures for a surprise for Diana. I did pictures of the girls long ago, when I first got into photography and they were 6 and 4. I have wanted to do some more outdoor ones, but never seemed to have the opportunity to do so. Well, These photos were taken in pituresque Forest Park. I am astounded at thier beauty. Not that I wouldnt think my neices are absolutely gorgeous, but the fact that , WOW, my neices are actually growing into young ladies. (insert tears)
I had so much fun doing these pictures. They are naturals.
Alanna colored on B&W
Jordan's colored shirt
The duo
Jordan (14)
Alanna (12)
My absolute favorite picture of them both.


Anonymous said...

Kim - I think your photos are great! you definietly have an eye for it. Looks like you have some great areas to take outdoor pics - that is awesome.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous young ladies Jordan and Alanna are becoming! How nice that they could spend two weeks with you. You are truly a wonderful aunt.