City Museum has become a favorite of Jor and 'lanna. WE couldn't wait to go "play". Imagine a place that is a kids dream- tons of places to climb (4 stories worth) caves to explore, slides galore- that is City Museum. It is a fabulous place. Outside they have Monstrocity which is an outdoor playground of twisted metal, old airplanes to climb into, and mesh metal tunnels to climb high above the in the air. not to mention, a huge ball pit to play in~With our Jeans on and gym shoes on, we were ready to tackle the fun- oh, and be prepared to bruise or get some sort of abrasion. battle marks are a must! I came away with a bruise to my back from trying to squeeze my fat butt through a very tiny opening high above the playground in order to tackle a rockin slide!. Jordan came away with bruises and a good knot to her knee. I think Alanna and Diana needed to pop some Motrin and Trevor came away with a minor friction burn to his finger. It is so worth the little bumps for the fun.

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