Prior to the balloon glow, our friend Jeanette (who lives across from the park) invited us and some friends over for a lite bite and wine. The boys immediately fell in love with the watermelon (but it was messy).
So we found out that every year there is this big Balloon Race in St Louis that happens at Forest Park. Well, the Friday night before the race, they have the Balloon Glow and blow up all of the balloons and light them up. It was very cool to see these balloons up close. Sadly, it was quite windy, so they had to be deflated after being up for only 30 minutes. The pictures arent that great as I had turned off my flash and so they blurred. I posted only the more unconventional balloons (which Trevor loved).

Those balloons are amazing! I think your pictures turned out quite well, even without a flash! What a fun thing for the boys to see!
Wow the balloons are awesome. That would be really neat to see. Too bad it was only for a half hour.
The watermelon pictures w/ the boys are so cute. Harris loves watermelon as well.
I love how food can be such a great prop. It's cheap and easy; also even in a 100 years a person viewing the photo would understand the pleasure of enjoying summer w/ watermelon. The point - They make timeless pictures. (Sorry, I got a little off track there.)
Hope you're all doing well.
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