Saturday, December 30, 2006
NEWS FLASH!!!! Logan crawled!
That's right. Logan took his first crawl forward last night 12/29/06! He was a bit wobbly and only went a few feet, but he did it! He also almost got himself into that sitting position. Soon I will have 2 mobile guys (what is a mom to do?) I will try to catch pics of him tonight. Way to go big guy!!!! |
Monday, December 25, 2006
Such very handsome boys! Christmas 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
the final countdown..

Well, the boys are now 11 months old. Wow, it has gone by so fast. They are both sick at the moment with a virus of some sort. Trevor too. Tis the season for germs. So in jsut 28 days, the twinks will be a year old. Logan weighed 18 lb 5 oz at the DR's on Thursday. They are fitting so well in thier 6-9 month clothes and we are looking to hte 12 month size soon. I cannot believe it. I never though at the beginning of fall that they would be here already.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Connor is an official crawler!!!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Outtakes from our Christmas photo shoot

For the finished product, you will have to wait for Christmas cards. Both boys are sooo crabby. We are pretty sure they are teething. I sure wish they would just break through. They are trying so hard to crawl forward. I will have to get some video of that.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
New skills abound....
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mending quite well!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Some more fun video
Logan going cross-eyed and making raspberries¤t=11-25-06videos013.flv
Connor in the jumper looking like a tap-dancing marionette.
Logan is recovering from his pneumonia. WE found out that the blood culture came back positive for strep pneumoniae. Luckily the antibiotic he was placed on was enough to kick that bacteria's butt.
Went to the DR on Monday for check-ups and Connor's weight is now 17lb 15 oz and Logan is 17 lb 1 oz. Only a 14 oz difference!
Friday, November 24, 2006
First Thanksgiving
Well, Wednesday we had planned on heading down town to go to the Holiday kickoff and lighting cermonies for Fort Wayne, but when I got home from work, Logan was sitting in his Bumbo and was really having a hard time breathing. I picked him up and he was breathing very fast and was irritable and his little chest was sucking in and I could hear his wheezing. I listened to his chest with my stethescope (love that I can do that) and put in a call to aunt Suz, who is also a nurse and respiratory therapist. She could hear him breathing and advised us to go right to the ER-so we did. They did an RSV test and chest Xray. The RSV was negative (phew) but the chest X ray showed he has right side pneumonia. They drew blood to look at his white blood cell count and blood culture, then also did a rapid influenza test. The flu came back negative too (double phew). Since his WBC was within the normal limits, they didn't admit him and allowed him home on antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. He also ha impetigo on his cheek and on his bottom. Poor guy. Connor is doing OK and getting over his cold, but he also has a horrible open rash on his bottom, so we are treating that with triple antibiotic ointment. So- Logan stayed home with daddy for Thanksgiving while I took Connor and Trevor over to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Logan had his turkey meat and veggies at home. I took a plate home for John. We had nice spread and was nice getting to spend time with family. It was nice having Aunt Di and Katy here as well as Ryan, Bobby and Uncle Jay here as this is the first Thanksgiving without Aunt Jill. We missed her. Christmas will be hard. No shopping on this Black Friday. My experience with retail for 9 years has jaded me against the shopping crowd. Besides, I know there will be good deals to be had in the next few weeks. Let the christmas season begin. We will be putting up decorations on Sunday. Tomorrow John and I will be married for 11 years! How lucky we are! WE got Trevor at our 5 year mark, and twins shortly after our 10 year mark. We are truely blessed. Happy Holidays all!!!! |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Daddy is so inventive!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Logan the sitter.

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Logan is an official sitter!
Woo Hoo!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Welcome to our new litle girlfriend!
quick update

Babies have been really fussy for the last two days or so. I think teeth are coming. I touched Logans bottom gums today and he cried. Connor is really sitting well by himself. He will go for awhile, esp if he has toys in front of him. Logan is doing better and staying up in the Bumbo for long periods of time. They love thier drums and that gets all of thier attention. Connor has ventured a lot more onto his hands and knees and rocks. Today he scooted everywhere, both front and backwards. WATCH OUT! I see crawling in the near future!
We also introduced watered down apple juice. They drank it down so fast and loved it. Trevor couldnt be left out, so he had some too!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Halloween- Farmer Trevor and his prize-winning peas
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
New Jammies From Aunt Judy and Jessica

These jammies came from Aunt Judy and Jessica when we were jsut wee little things. So hard to believe we finally fit in them. They are just too cute and so very soft!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Quick updates.

Connor is sitting very well now. He doesnt go for too long, but he has it down. Sometimes he will get excited and end up toppling backwards. He also will scoot on his belly backwards all over the place and he got up on his hands and knees and began rocking. It wont be too long before they are both mobile. Logan is a bit slower at this. he doesn't sit very well. We are putting him in the Bumbo seat more and hope to have him gain more upper body strength. We try to do tummy time with him but he just rolls right over and wants to be on his back. He will get there. Just a quick note to say, Big Brother Trevor turned 6 years old on Oct 17th. YAY! I will post some more pictures this evening as I am quite behind! |
Monday, October 16, 2006
**********NEWS FLASH***************Connor sits for longer than 30 seconds!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
quick update
The boys are growing so fast now. Aunt Diana weighed the boys and they are soo big! Logan- 15lb 6oz Connor-16 lb 5 oz Yay Boys!!!! |
Friday, October 06, 2006
Getting bigger by the minute
The boys are getting so big now. I can't wait to have them weighed again. They have a 9 month check- up here soon. Both are loving thier foods. they are having 1-2 meals a day with thier bottles and the weight is really piling on. Look at Logan and how his little face is filling out. To me, they are looking even more identical.
Both will be getting flu shots and the RSV vaccine. Monthly we will have to get these vaccines (not the flu though- just 2 shots there). Logan has a follow-up with the pulmonologist on the 24th. He will have a repeat chest X-ray to see how his lungs are doing. As he is gaining weight, he is doing better with eating. I think we blew through a lot of the 3-6 months stuff and are now getting into the 6-9 months stuff.
I challenge the boys every night with all sorts of motor skills. They are really doing well sitting up with the boppy pillow supporting them. Logan still topples over, but is getting longer and longer in length at sitting up.
We had one quick bout of sniffles and coughs, but it was mild and we are thankful. Lets hope for a smooth winter with minimal illnesses!