We went to the pediatrician for a G & D check-up. It is a very late check-up as they were supposed to have one at 18 months, but you know how that goes.
We have a great pediatrician. She had thoroughly read through thier files, so when we got there, she already knew about them! I was quite impressed.
Logan weighed in at 23lb 2 oz (6th %) and was 32.5 in tall( 15th%). His head circumference was 49 cm (65th%). Connor weighed in at 24lb 2 oz (15th%) and was 33 in tall (30th %) . So he is 1 lb heavier and 1/2 in taller which is still consistent with thier G & D pattern. His head measered exactly the same as Logan's, so brain development is terrific!!! The good news is.....THESE FIGURES ARE ACCURATE WITHOUT ADJUSTING THIER PROGRESS FOR THEIR PREMATURITY!!!!!!!!!!!! At their 1 year check-up, they were -5% on the growth chart. When they adjusted for prematurity, they were only in the 1-2 percentile. So they are finally tracking on the chart for peers their actual age with NO ADJUSTMENTS!!!!! This is huge! The ped was so impressed with thier growth, especially when you look back and read about all of the health concerns they have had along the way.
The only real concern at this point is their speech. They only say about 5 words consistently, and should be saying by age 2 about 50 or at least mimicking more speech than they do. If by thier 2 yr appointment they are not as improved as they should be, we will bring in speech therapy. But I can live with that!
Here is the plan for the next few weeks leading up to their 2 yr visit in January....
*blood tests to test for celiac disease (gluten intoloerance) and blood count to check the progress of anemia
*hearing tests to r/o hearing deficits related to speech
*echocardiograms to view the status of their holes in thier hearts, and a visit with the pediatric cardiologist.
*a visit with a pediatric dentist due to poor enamel, development and discoloration on Connor's teeth (likely due to antibiotics in the NICU) Logan will be seen too, although his teeth are not as bad.
We will be busy, but we are finally getting things done!