Friday, January 26, 2007

The long overdue one-year update.

In big boy outfits. Lo and Co were trying to look thier biggest for their one-year birthday
I love these photos. Their party was at aunt Korries house who so willingly hosted the party for us. We thank her immensely!! I cought these photos of the boys, who were looking out her sunny patio window. I love the lighting and that Logan would not look at the camera. I was able to catch his sweet smile in his reflection.
WE went to the pediatrician for our 1 year check up.
STATS: Logan- 18 lb 5 oz , 27 in long
Connor 18lb 14 oz, 26 3/4 long (though I think he is just as long as Logan)
They are still obviously small for their age, but are doing so well. Logan will have another early intervention evaluation for his wobbliness and tremor. The pediatrician thinks this is due more in part to hypotonia (low muscle tone) than to a cerebral palsey type. She thinks Logan would benefit from some physical therapy to help build his truncal muscles and help him keep up more with Connor. Connor has met almost all of his developmental milestones for his chronilogical age. He is pulling up and cruising with only one hand holding on most of the time. Lo will pull up to his knees, but he gets pretty wobbly.
There are no teeth in sight. I asked if it was an old wives tale about the enamel being stronger in teeth that erupt late, and she told us that it was not. It has been proven. So hopefully we will have very healthy teeth too. This does not stop the boys though. They are eating table food and use those gums just like teeth. WE will continue on formula until they are 15 months old and then can make the switch to whole milk. They love the toast and pasta pick-ups the most.
We want to thank everyone who has helped us through this first year of twindom.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Our first birthday party!

The devoured cakes
waiting for the cake
The cakes as designed by Aunt Diana! MMMMMMM! Thank you for doing such an awesome job!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Our one year pictures

Mommy's dearest friend, Aunt Jodi, took these pictures of us tonight. They turned out really well. See how much we have grown?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I was not prepared for this.

Today is mom's (Deb's) birthday, but it also marks a time when I was the most scared I have ever been. Today, it has been a year from when my water broke with Logan and thus began this journey we have been on.
I was at work, and I thought i would be adventurous and go back and read my posts on my message board from a year ago. Instead of having any sort of fondness, I broke down crying and just lost it. This year has been the fastest emotional roller coaster ever. It was like reliving the suppressed feelings I thought I had long forgotton. The feelings of inadequacy and feelings of failure and guilt. Guilt because my body wasn't strong enough to carry the babies to term. Guilt because they went through so much struggling in the NICU. Believe it or not, everyday is a reminder of the fact that they were born early. They are so small. They have challenges. they are behind cognitively and physically. Yes, we celebrate each milestone, but we are also reminded of the fact that they are behind.
I look at them everyday, they are little miracles. They beat the odds. Yet today I am sad. I thought revisiting those words I had written would make me relieved that we overcame, but I think just the opposite happened. Instead of grieving then- having to be strong for the babies, I am grieving now. Grieving the loss of a blissful pregnancy, grieving the loss of the ideal delivery and all of the expectations I had. Grieving the fact that I had to leave my babies behind for 3 months to grow and develop-something they could not do inside of me. It has been the best and hardest year ever. I am thankful for their little lives everyday.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

What's mine is mine, and what's your's is mine.........

OK, so here we are 2 weeks before they turn one, and they are really cracking me up. This morning, Connor had a spoon (yeah-like they dont have umpteen million toys) and Logan saw it, so he crawled over to Connor to snag it. He snags it, Connor cries. Connor snags it back, Logan cries. Mommy goes to get another spoon to keep the peace and they start clinking them together like a sword fight. Well, Connor gets an idea........he wants two! So Connor snags Logan's spoon and crawls away with both. He plops down and starts waving both in the air like "VICTORY" as poor Logan cries. :(
Then, I am changing Logan on the floor and Connor crawls over to Logan and grabs ahold of Logan's penis like "hey, i have one of these, but I've never seen it before". Too funny.I am sure it is just beginning.........

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Some more pictures.

In the playhut with big brother
Connro left, logan right palying the chime garden
more fun in the hut
My sick boys. They have been so cranky trying to get over this illness.

Connor pulled up for the first time today!

The milestones are coming like a meteor shower! I cannot believe we are here. Just a year ago, I was still pregnant and on bed rest. Now here we are, about to turn one in just 17 days!
Despite Connor's smile, he and Logan are still very much under the weather. We are planning a party at Aunt Korrie's house on the 13th as a combo between Simon and the duo.

Fun with Trevors light-up swirly thingy...

Well, it made for some cool pictures at least.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

Well, this has probably been the worst new years eve in awhile. EVERYONE is ill. Logan and Connor have yet another sickness and are so congested and coughing and have goopy eyes. these pix are of them yesterday. thier little eyes look so pitiful. John and Trevor are sick. Trevor awoke in the middle of the night covered from head to toe in hives. He woke me up crying because he was so itchy. I was irritated with him and after an hour and a half of his whimpering, I got up to put lotion on him and turned the light on and saw hives everywhere. Boy, did I feel horrible. I gave him Benadryl and he went back to sleep. Connor woke up wiht his both eyes sealed shut with gunk. Lagan woke up with boogers smeared in his hair. Sorry to be so graphic, but it is just sick city here. John has a respiratory illness going on and is feeling horrible. Yesterday he could barely get off of the couch. And last, but not least, I woke up this mornign with a very sore throat and aches everywhere.

Thsi family has seen better days. Have a Happy New Year everyone!!!!