WE went to the pediatrician for our 1 year check up.
STATS: Logan- 18 lb 5 oz , 27 in long
Connor 18lb 14 oz, 26 3/4 long (though I think he is just as long as Logan)
They are still obviously small for their age, but are doing so well. Logan will have another early intervention evaluation for his wobbliness and tremor. The pediatrician thinks this is due more in part to hypotonia (low muscle tone) than to a cerebral palsey type. She thinks Logan would benefit from some physical therapy to help build his truncal muscles and help him keep up more with Connor. Connor has met almost all of his developmental milestones for his chronilogical age. He is pulling up and cruising with only one hand holding on most of the time. Lo will pull up to his knees, but he gets pretty wobbly.
There are no teeth in sight. I asked if it was an old wives tale about the enamel being stronger in teeth that erupt late, and she told us that it was not. It has been proven. So hopefully we will have very healthy teeth too. This does not stop the boys though. They are eating table food and use those gums just like teeth. WE will continue on formula until they are 15 months old and then can make the switch to whole milk. They love the toast and pasta pick-ups the most.
We want to thank everyone who has helped us through this first year of twindom.
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