Friday, May 04, 2007

rain, rain, go away....

Well, the arguement wont win in Trevor's eyes.
Trevor continues to make many little boy friends and they are all a big fan of the mud bog in the back of our building. I am glad to see them being boys and playing like kids should and not wasting away in front of the TV. Trevor asks precisely every night if he may go to bed "Mom, I am just so tired" ,he says. We are loving it.```

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night, Hayden said "Oh, I wish I was Trevor...or you were Aunt Kimmie" Way to I have to be cool too. Hee hee hee. They loved the vids of the twins swinging. I have a blog started so we can shar our boys, but I don't know how to upload to it. HELP?