A lonely little buck- totally unphased by the cars.
Many times we were told to go visit here and see the wildlife. WEll, some work was being done on our bathroom, so I decided to go take a drive to put the babies to sleep. I drove through and didnt see much, but when I got to the end, there were some elk in a herd. I knew I would have to go get Trevor after school and bring him back. I didn't have my camera either, so I wanted to snag that. It is literally only 10 minutes from my home, and we are whisked away amongst hills and valleys on a paved driving tour of wild animals. WE arrived and Trevor was excited. I didnt tell him where we would be going, just that he would like it and it was an adventure. Boy did he ever! There were WAY more animals lurking about than when I was there. We first came across many elk. Then we went to the Bison area and saw a herd of Bison.

After, we were confronted by a huge male elk grazing. He was only 6 feet away from the car!!! He was totally oblivious to the cars gawking at him. His antlers were enormous and impressive. I tried to say that he might be a helper for Santa, but Trevor is too smart. He also made note that "Elks have yellow butts, mama".

He was fascinated that they ears had yellow tags on them. I told him they were protected and if they got lost, the rangers could help them find their way back home. He thought that was cool.
Another really great thing the park has is a World Bird Sanctuary where they have live birds of prey. Trevor says we have to go back to see the bald eagles, hawks, vultures, owls and other birds.
So we had a great little "field trip" to make the day. It was free and a drive at your own pace. sort of thing. Again, I am in awe at the many things this area holds for us to do. What a great area for learning and exploring and raising very smart kids!