The boys continue to grow and grow every day. Well, we celebrated our second year marker with some visits at the DR. Monday, we had a comprehensive hearing evaluation done at the audiology center at Mercy Hospital. The boys did so well and were excellently behaved. Trevor was off school for MLK day and was a model big brother. He sat and played with one while I was with the other being tested. The testing consisted of an ear analysis, individual hearing response, and behavior and hearing in related situations and play. We were in a sound-proof booth and sounds were fed into the booth with lights and moving animals. Logan kept laughing, Connor was startled by the sounds. They did well and tested completely normal. The reason for this evaluation is because of the severe speech delay.
Moving on to Wednesday, we saw the pediatrician for our 2 year check ups. Logan weighed 24 lb 1 oz (8th %) and was 33 1/4 inches tall (25th%). Connor weighed 25 lb 7oz (28th %) and was 33 1/2 in tall (25th %). Connor still has his rash going on from his allergic reaction to antibiotics, so we have been referred to an allergist for testing. I hadnt shared, but As connor was still having this rash, I bought some aveeno for it to see if it got better. Well, it got redder everytime I applied it, which I thought was weird. WEll the last time I put aveeno on him, he developed hives and it welted up and got red and hot. I think now he definately is allergic to oats. It never occurred to me that oatmeal in the lotion could do that, but since i know it causes diaper rashes, it makes sense. She wants them tested for food allergies since the celiac test came back negative, yet they still have problems with gluten containing foods. She wants Logan to see an opthamologist for his right eye. She believes it is a lazy eye. She said there is no rush, but something to be in the back of my head as the allergy testing is most prevalent now. I know at Trevors 2 yr appt they told me they thought he had a lazy eye, and he turned out to have good vision and it is fine. Last, is the speech. They consistently say 'uh-oh, momma, dadda, all done, and hi and bye" They do not show any interest in learning new words, and believe me we have tried. We do the letters of the alphabet everyday. They will repeat any of the letters with "eeeee" sounds- d.e.c.b.v,t,p,z,g but wont try to say the rest. They also have regressed with some things they used to say like Trevor's name. In the meantime, we are learing some signs as a way to communicate over screaming and crying. So we are referred to a speech and language pathologist for evaluation and therapy. That will be happening very soon once I get it set up. It will either be at Mercy hospital or Children's hospital. Other than that, there was a comment made about Connor's boy parts, butI dont want to embarrass him by posting it. And last, they got Hep A shots. Not a bad visit at all and I am so proud of my growing boys.
On a big boy note: Trevor lost 2 teeth in the last week. He lost his last upper front tooth and one of his bottom ones. He has lost a total of 5 teeth. He is so proud of himself.
1 comment:
Your sons are just so handsome...all three of them. I think you may be on to something in the fashion world with this duct tape thing. Perhaps you could start a line of clothing.
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