Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The duo are OK.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Our first ambulance ride with lights and sirens!
John was eating a mix of nuts we bought that was cashews, almonds, and pistachios. Well, they have never had them and wanted to try them. Well they loved them, but the nuts didnt love back. within a half hour or so, their eyes began to swell and lips were swelling and they were both wheezing and coughing and became lethargic. I called the pediatrician to see if I could give a mega dose of benadryl and she said to call 911 immediately. They got here in 3 minutes. Both Connor's eyes were swollen shut, and he took it the hardest. His oxygen saturation was only 69% and his heart rate was 189 before the epinephrine, benadryl shot and steroids. WE took off in the ambulance- me with Logan, and the other paramedic had Connor. John needed to stay with Jake, Trevor and Lauren. (Jake and Trevor theought he fire truck and amulance were cool.) They did pretty well and slept the first hour. Then the steroids kicked in. They were wound up soooo bad. It was crazy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lauren and Jake are staying with us!!!
Transportation Museum. We got to walk on and touch real big trains!!!
The pool at the apartment complex.
Six flags was a blast. Lauren and Jake got thier pictures with so many characters it was too many to post.
We went to the Science Center today for some hands-on learning. We had lots of fun here. I love the picture of Jake playing with the tornado exhibit. He was fascinated by it.
We are having so much fun with them here. Tomorrow- er, today (I need to get to bed) we are going to a small water park in Farmington, MO with my friend and her 3 children. Thursday we are hoping for the zoo and Friday maybe Manchester pool. They have both been so well-behaved and Jake is loving playing with his big cousin Trevor. They play for hours together and (almost) never argue. Jake is such a sweetie. Lauren is a huge help to both John and I. She helps with the babies and never complains- in fact, she is always taking them off our hands. Tonight Lauren and I had girly fun and painted our finger and toe nails so we are pool-ready tomorrow.
Will post more pictures of the water park tomorrow!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Weekly update...
Summer is fully upon us now- so is the aweful humidity. That said, it is time to go to the pool and brave a swimsuit. That will be on the agenda for next week. We have lots of exploring to do. Lauren and Jake are coming to stay with us for a week and a half. We are looking forward to having them here. WE have lots planned, including another trip to Six Flags for some more fun. We also want to get over to the aquatic center to go on the slides. I can't wait.
I really like my new job. It is so different than Scenic where I am currently still employed. Pisses me off that I have wasted a whole year working in that dump when something was clearly better out there and pays more too. Plus, it is so organized, I dont have to wear all white (like I did at the other place). I will try to take some pictures this weekend of my old crew. They are hard workers and I will miss them. I will still see them, but sporadically.
The duo are saying new things this week. A new word is "mine!", spoken with true toddler attitude. 'here you go", "ball", "no", mind you that their speech is quite delayed. As of late, it is flourishing much better and they are enunciating better too. Logan told John off the other day in his own language. He was red hot angry at him for picking up his toys and I laughed my butt off. No one knew what he was saying except Logan. I wish I had gotten video of that. All I know is that he meant business and he meant what he said.
Another bad thing is the hitting. They hit each other constantly. Following the toddler rules...if they think it should be theirs, it is theirs and they will hit for it. We are working on time outs for that.
That is all for us right now. More updates to come......