John was eating a mix of nuts we bought that was cashews, almonds, and pistachios. Well, they have never had them and wanted to try them. Well they loved them, but the nuts didnt love back. within a half hour or so, their eyes began to swell and lips were swelling and they were both wheezing and coughing and became lethargic. I called the pediatrician to see if I could give a mega dose of benadryl and she said to call 911 immediately. They got here in 3 minutes. Both Connor's eyes were swollen shut, and he took it the hardest. His oxygen saturation was only 69% and his heart rate was 189 before the epinephrine, benadryl shot and steroids. WE took off in the ambulance- me with Logan, and the other paramedic had Connor. John needed to stay with Jake, Trevor and Lauren. (Jake and Trevor theought he fire truck and amulance were cool.) They did pretty well and slept the first hour. Then the steroids kicked in. They were wound up soooo bad. It was crazy!

Wow! How scary for you all. It looks like they bounced back though. I'm glad to hear everyone is ok now.
Holy scary! So glad that everyone is ok! I wish I could give both of them big hugs! Thinking of you all! :)
OMG! They look like mini prize fighters. There is never a dull moment in your household, girl! Hang in there.
I love you my swell swellies! Can't wait to se eyour big brother and i hop eyou deflate soon. You know, I'm allergic to tree nuts also, so welcome to my club! I miss you! hugs!
Love Aunt korrie
Oh how scary!!!!! I am glad to hear they are doing better! You just never know - Good luck and hopefully you wont have anymore episodes like this.
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