3 days until the move. We are still frantically getting things loaded in boxes. Last night we got a dusting of snow and ice. It was expected to be much worse, but it turned out to just be enough to make the grass white and the roads are all clear. This needs to be gone by the weekend. It seems like evedrytime we move we are stuck with inclement weather.
I will post new pictures when I get us settled!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Clebrating the 3rd birthday via webcam with Nanny and Grandad
The boys get sung to by Nanny and Grandad on the web cam.
Updates galore
The duo are now 3!!!!! I cannot believe it. When I look back at their very early arrival and how small they were, it is amazing to see how far they have come. In fact, the other day, I was looking at Logan and thought, "Logan, you are looking beefy". He has always been the "skinny" twin. So I decided to strip them both down and weigh them. Connor was 29.6lb and Logan was 29.4 lb. This is the closest they have been in weight since they were in the NICU. They are doing wonderful. Speech improves daily, especially for Connor who is a little parrot on everything. He has finally been forming some intelligible sentences and communicting well. I think he may be mastering trickery too. The other day, they both had cookies, well Connor wanted another one, so he looked at me and said "Conner wants another cookie" I said "he does?" acting all coy. He points to Logan and says "yeah, Connor" and started giggling. It was funny because he recognizes he has a twin brother:)
Of course they are still up to their same old tricks. Stripping, climbing,ect. The move will be interesting as we do not plan to restrict them from any part of the house in order to work on potty learning. They are very ready, we just need to master it now. They pee in the potty very well, and Logan has went poo once, but we havent been able to be consistent.
Moving is exciting. We bought new furniture- but it will take 3-4 weeks to come in. We bought from Ashley- new couch and loveseat for the upstairs living room and a new couch for the downstairs family room and a very nice new dining table set. The nice thing is they will deliver it to us and move it all in , so no lifiting for us!!! It was time. Our stuff is aweful!. In the future, a new bed for us. The boys will have a new room theme-firetrucks- or as the duo call them "roo roos" I am excited. their stuff comes on Wednesday and I cant wait to get their room in order.
I am absolutely in love with the new house and community. I cant wait to walk around the lake everyday and finally get those bikes out and put to good use!!!
That is all for now. I hope it wont be too long before another update, but with moving it might be crazy. I will send out new address cards soon.
Love to you all!!!!
The duo watch as Grandad sings
We didnt do much for the birthday this year as we are living amongst chaos right now (and I know Jessica can fully understand my pain) with boxes everywhere.
Today I get the keys to the new house and slowly this week will begin moving a carload of boxes a day until Saturday's big move day.Moving is exciting. We bought new furniture- but it will take 3-4 weeks to come in. We bought from Ashley- new couch and loveseat for the upstairs living room and a new couch for the downstairs family room and a very nice new dining table set. The nice thing is they will deliver it to us and move it all in , so no lifiting for us!!! It was time. Our stuff is aweful!. In the future, a new bed for us. The boys will have a new room theme-firetrucks- or as the duo call them "roo roos" I am excited. their stuff comes on Wednesday and I cant wait to get their room in order.
I am absolutely in love with the new house and community. I cant wait to walk around the lake everyday and finally get those bikes out and put to good use!!!
That is all for now. I hope it wont be too long before another update, but with moving it might be crazy. I will send out new address cards soon.
Love to you all!!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
OH the woes of a busy busy life....
Well, as you all know, we are moving very soon. As I look around, I am screaming EEK! at how much needs to still be packed. We are moving in just over 2 weeks and it is coming up quickly. To top it off, I am having ot get Trevor situated into a new school too. Speaking of school, John and I both started back to school. for Spring semester. I am taking a whopping 16 hours (yes I know I am a glutton for punishment. Yes I know I am going to kill myself this semester with moving, but I am a strong woman and can do this!!!!!!!) I still have yet to schedule my wisdom teeth surgery which is looking like the middle of Feb. If I schedule it the Friday before Predisents day, I wont miss but one day of school and will have time to recoup since we have no school on that Monday.
UGH, Mom is coming to stay for a couple of weeks to help us move. God love her. I need her sooooooo bad.
So forgive my scatty brain as a lot is transpiring in the next few weeks. I love you all, please forgive me for missing any birthday greetings and stuff. I feel like a bad aunt, cousin, daughter, sister, for missing so much. I think about you all constantly and things will settle down soon. I hope to post something of the twins 3rd birthday. We dont plan on a big hoorah, probably just a family dinner out to do something fun.
Love to you all,
Blitzed in the new year!
UGH, Mom is coming to stay for a couple of weeks to help us move. God love her. I need her sooooooo bad.
So forgive my scatty brain as a lot is transpiring in the next few weeks. I love you all, please forgive me for missing any birthday greetings and stuff. I feel like a bad aunt, cousin, daughter, sister, for missing so much. I think about you all constantly and things will settle down soon. I hope to post something of the twins 3rd birthday. We dont plan on a big hoorah, probably just a family dinner out to do something fun.
Love to you all,
Blitzed in the new year!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Heading home-but not before stopping by Grandma jan and grandpa Bob's house in Roann,IN
After Korrie's the fun doesnt stop......Nanny's House!!!
As crazy as it seems, one of my favorite gifts was this percussion set from Nanny (I know, I should be shaking my head in disbelief). They are real bongos and tambourines and other percussion instuments. The boys took to them instnatly when they learned they could make noise. Another absolute favorite was a very neat drum from Aunt Di and Katy. I am very protective of this drum andit is only used properly under supervision. I am excited to expose my boys to music and rythym. We hope to purchase a piano for our new home and to start Trevor in Piano lessons. We already have quite a bit of instuments to choose from: trombone, trumpet, accordian, drums... hoping one is something the boys will want to explore. I am excited to have a "music center" in our new home. Also, when we watch the music show on TV, we can play along with our instuments.

It is rare that we get to see family friends when we are home, but we were so lucky that judy and Jessica stopped by to see the boys and we were ableto give Olivia her Christmas present. Logan and Connor took instantly to Olivia, running up to give her a big hug- and she was more than happy to give back. So cute!!
The day after Christmas- Korrie's house
With all of the festivities of Christmas, Korrie and Tom were nice enough to host a wonderful brunch the next day at their house for us. Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike stayed in town to see us. It was a wonderful time. I was so excited to get to eat a custom "tomlette" as I call Toms DELICIOUS omlets. They are a work of art and love.....
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Christmas at Mom and Dad's house on Christmas Day
We made it home Christmas Day. We were packed and ready to go, so we no sooner opened our Santa gifts and we got dressed and headed home for the holidays. WE arrived just in time for Christmas at Grandma and Paka's house.
Friday, January 02, 2009
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