Friday, March 13, 2009

enjoying nice weather

It has been warm here on a few days (but then t will get just as cold). We were able to do a nature hike in our font yard and go to the Terre du Lac park.
Since i have been on spring break, I have been busy- big surprise. On Monday, I ended up with Trev in the ER for him not being able to pee and he was hysterical because it hurt so bad. Turns out he has a urinary tract infection. They gave him some antibiotics and we were on our way. The first few days were hard for him to get his pee going and I had to hold his hand, but he is much better now. poor little man.
I have been diligently working away at the duo's room. I am so excited to have it done and I am so proud of my very own mural ability.
For now i must get some sleep. more pictures and posts to come....

Connor- this is why kids swing....


Logan left, connor right



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooo impressed by your creativity. The boy's room is wonderful. You rival Korrie! Glad to hear Trev is feeling better. We missed you at Jordan's 16th party.