Sunday, April 30, 2006
Quick update
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Big brother helps out
Friday, April 28, 2006
out for a walk...

We headed out for a stroll yesterday. It was warm and beautiful out. Weights on the boys are...
Logan- 6lb 10oz
Connor 7lb 11oz
They are getting so big so fast!.
This week, Connor had hi last eye appoinyment til he is a year old. He was cleared of ROP, so any future vision problems wont be related to prematurity, but to heredity!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Do not disturb
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Together at last.....

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Well, the word today is he may need a little more time. He was being a little pokey on his eating and so he was being observed to be sure he wasnt working too too hard off of the oxygen. He is still tube-free. So we continue to wait and see. Take your time, buddy. WE want you home, but we want you healthy. |
Friday, April 21, 2006
Logan is unplugged....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Logan being cradled by Mary-17 weks gestation

yet another update.
Connor went for a check-up today and his weight was up to 7lb 2 oz. The pediatrician was very pleased with his progress.
I will hopefully have more info on Logan tomorrow as the nurses told me they were going to pick the Dr's brain about coming home.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Logan on the mend...
He may be home by the end of this week!!! I am sad though about Dupont. We didnt get to say a proper goodbye and I still want to do something special for the nurses who cared so well for the boys. They were so wonderful.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Another "identical or not" dilemma
Friday, April 14, 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Sweet Little Lo update
Connor at the surgeon yesterday weighed in at 6lb 11oz. He is taking about 2 oz each feed. He remains on his regimented schedule from the NICU. The dr wont do any surgery on his hand until he is off of the apnea monitor. He will go back in 3 months for a recheck and hopefully schedule the surgery for his thumb to be removed. Until then he will still be able to give "2 thumbs up" with one hand and give out "high sixes". Sorry, but we deal with humor.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Logan update and a word about twin bonding....
OK- EERIE TWIN BOND EXPERIENCE....At the time that Logan would have been recieving his incision, Connor was inconsolably crying and could not be comforted. He went on this way for about 45 minutes (about the time Logan was done with the surgery). Also, he has been extremely sleepy today as if he is sympathizing with Logan. I have chills writing this.
Monday, April 10, 2006
logan's new temporary unit...

all Connor

Here is Connor sleeping and showing off his little "extra", which will be addressed at tomorrows consult with the peds surgeon. The middle is him in his Big Boy outfit from good friends, Tracy and John, who Mommy works with. The last is Connor and his best friend "paci". Both boys like to put one hand on the paci and one on their ear. Too funny!
Logan at the new hospital
I will try to post pix tonight of him in his new location.
Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 7am. I will have to be there at 6:30 am to meet briefly with the anesthesiologist. With a little luck, he will be back to Dupont in the next two days or so! He will be happy to be back with his favorite nurses!
More news tonight.....
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Quick update as the next two days will be running here and there. I will try to post on Logan's condition as I can. Logan is set to be transferred at around noon tomorrow to go to Lutheran Hospital. WE do not have a time yet for surgery, but it will be Tuesday morning. Connor has his surgical consult on Tuesday morning as well. We would have rescheduled this, but due to the fact that he continues to have stooling woes and a swollen scrotum, we thought we better keep this appointmnet. He is being seen for his hydrocele and hernia as well as his extra thumb. This is what I have been told about Logan's surgery. 1) that he will look worse before he looks better. 2) He will be back on a ventilator. 3) He will have a chest tube again as the left lung will be "deflated" to gain access to the PDA. I am trying to prepare my mind for this. With lots of luck he will do very well and have a good response. Please continue to pray for Logan's quick recovery. We want him to join Connor at home. Thank you for everyone's continued support and prayers!!!! |
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Logan is to have surgery

Monday, April 03, 2006
Connor at home

Here is our big boy home with us. Trevor is smitten and so excited to have him home. Connor is adjusting well to being home. Just before discharge his weight was six pounds even. He is taking all 50 cc every 3 hours. We have him on his NICU feeding schedule and it is workign well (except can you say NO SLEEP). Took him to the pediatrician today as he hasnt pooped for almost 48 hours now. He is likely constipated from the formula and vitamins with iron in them. He has pushed a small loop of intestines through his right scrotum (inguinal hernia) and has accumulated fluid (hydrocele) there too. We are consulting with a surgeon on Tuesday April 11th. Also, we were going to have the Dr in the NICU tie off his extra thumb so it would fall off, but we did a follow-up Xray and there is a piece of bone in there, so the surgeon will address that as well. He did not need a circumcision as he was naturally circed (born with very little foreskin), so he avoided one other surgery. He has a slew of follow-ups and it appears that his VSDs (ventricular septal defects) have healed on their own since his murmur is gone. He will see the cardiologist in May. He came home on an apnea monitor, but the only time it sounds is when the leads fall off. He has had no bradycardias with his feeds since we have been home. Things are going well with him. Trevor has lent him "baby Ryan" so he doesnt miss Logan.
I went up to visit Logan tonight and he looked well. Tomorrow he has yet another echocardiogram to look at that PDA and ASD and 2VSD's. Tomorrow's results will give us a better picture of how long he has left in the NICU. If they go ahead and do the surgery to close the PDA, then he will get transferred to Lutheran NICU. This saddens us as we are very fond of our nurses. He would miss them terribly. He is continuing to slowly put on the weight. His last weight was 5lb 3 oz. He has quite the cheeks on him.