Logan on the left and Connor on the right
Our family is finally complete now that Logan is safe at home with us. No more hospitals, no more driving, no more separate places. Logan came home weighing 6lb 7 oz. He is also on an apnea monitor like Connor. He came home on a medication called Lasix which is a diuretic and so we qualified for home health care. They seemed like they didnt know each other, but after about 5 minutes, they nuzzled right up together.
Our family is finally complete now that Logan is safe at home with us. No more hospitals, no more driving, no more separate places. Logan came home weighing 6lb 7 oz. He is also on an apnea monitor like Connor. He came home on a medication called Lasix which is a diuretic and so we qualified for home health care. They seemed like they didnt know each other, but after about 5 minutes, they nuzzled right up together.
MOre later....two babies crying!
1 comment:
Look at these little perfect boys...all three of them. I just love them so. -Aunt Korrie
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