Saturday, April 15, 2006

Another "identical or not" dilemma

Logan- 4 days post op
I can't tell. Are they or are they not identical. I kept calling Logan Connor today while visiting him in the hospital. To me they look so much alike.
Logan is back into an open crib and allowed to sport some clothes. I took him in some duds tonight and some Easter attire. He is now taking 2 ounces of breastmilk every 3 hours by mouth. Notice no NG tube up his nose. He will catch up with Connor with his weight in no time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim John & Trevor.

It is so encouraging to see how Logan is progressing after his op.

Logan and Connor are identical; there is going to be some fun when they are older!

It was great to see your Dad and Karen last Wednesday - a lot of reminiscing was done - we were taken back to our 20 something days! It is a sure sign that we are turning into fossils. We are seeing them again Monday evening before they leave for home.

We continue to pray for you all.

Connor and Logan will soon be home together.

God bless