Friday, June 29, 2007

Jodi and Harris came to stay!!! YAY!!!

Jodi and Harris
They arrived on Monday evening and we had an impromptu cookout. The next day we set out for some malls and shopping. We went to Chesterfield mall first and got some good bargains and then went off to the St Louis Mills where we had a bit of fun.
The next day we ventured out to the zoo. Man on man-it was so stinkin hot and humid. It was just downright unbearable and with Jodi and I pushing strollers, we were soooo hot. We ended up cutting our visit there off short. Thant night Jodi cooked us a wonderful teriyaki chicken dinner with homemade teriyaki sauce! It was soooooooo good! Then, she even made us a meal the next night! Her caserole we love sooo much!
Here are a couple of pix from the zoo.....
Logan, Harris, Connor
Connor, Logan, Harris, Trevor
Connor, Logan , Trevor, Harris

Jodi left this morning to head back to Indiana. We enjoyed thier stay very much and can't wait
'til they come again. We still have so much to see and do!

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