I found out the hard way today. At the park, we went to cool off again.It was 97 today. WEll, Logan went running in one direction, and I heard Connor screaming. I looked and he was standing on a metal manhole cover. He now has 2nd and possibly 3rd degree burns to both feet. We will know more when we go see the specialist at the burn center. I am sick about this. the ER dr asked me if I intentionally did this to him. You can imagine-they have to ask- but it made me feel aweful. I already felt horrible. So our poor guy is in bandages. we will know more tomorrow after he sees the burn unit, and i will update. Please send prayers and good vibes for his quick recovery.
Poor guy :( I'm so sorry to hear about that. I never would have thought something like that could happen. Hang in there Connor. You too Momma.
sniff...sniff...I feel so badly for you and the little guy. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. Well I hope he is doing better. Keep us posted! We love you!
Ooooh Kimmie! I hope Connor is OK! I hope for a speedy recovery!!!
Love, Jadeeye
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