Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Last night Logan decided to scare the @&*#! out of me. I had changed his diaper and taken his temperature to prepare him for his bottle. Well, the humidity in his tube went gushing into his nose and he sucked it up. He turned blue, his heart rate went down to the 30's and his respirations were 0. He just lay there gasping. I yelled for help and the nurses had to come over and started to stimulate him and suction his mouth. He had all sorts of mucous in his mouth. He finally started to regain his color and cried. I am so not ready for them to come home. What if they choke like that at home?? All of my nursing knowledge goes out the window!! I want them home so bad, but I dont. I am so afraid to have them do this stuff at home and not be able to help them. |
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Trevor gets to hold Connor
Monday, March 27, 2006
Tonight our good friend Zach got to come and visit and was able to hold Connor. There were no order changes on the boys tonight. We are hoping 1-2 weeks for Connor to come home. Logan will definately be longer. I wish for them to be home so bad, but I want them to stay as long as necessary to be healthy.
Nursery Pictures

Here are the pictures of the nursery which was painted by Aunt Korrie and myself. I can't claim any of the animals except the clam. My absolute favorite is how we turned the light into an octopus and his head lights up light blue. The gorgeous angel fish are there in memory of Alexandra's girls Jada and Jaelynn. They will watch over the boys. I dont see how we will ever manage 2 cribs in this tiny room.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
A tired, tubeless Connor

Finally, here is their 9 week picture. This one you don't really notice the size difference between the two. Logan is on the left and Connor is on the right. Both boys have taken all of their feeds by mouth since yesterday. Tonight, we are going to start Connor using the Avent bottles so he is prepared when he comes home. He is still wrestling with some heart rate drops, so it could still be a little while. Logan is hogging his feeds down. He is sucking them down in 20 minutes. If we keep going at this rate the ugly NG tubes can come out! WOO HOO! Weights stayed the same this time, so we will see what they are tonight. |
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Introducing a five and a half pounder...
It is hard to believe this blog was started just when I first hel my guys and they were still in the 2 pound range. Now they seem so filled out and and "normal" looking.
Since I was off today, I was able to feed both boys often. WEll, we discovered a problem and think we may have fixed it. A while back I bought some Gerber Preemie bottles. I was going to take them back when the nurse said she felt the nipples the boys were currently using seemed very big for their little mouths. So I washed them and took them in......and it worked!! Both boys latched on better, didnt gag, less spilling out the sides of the mouth, and finished the bottles!!!!!!!So now I am on a mad dash to buy more so we always have clean ones on hand for the nurses. They were just the right size for my boys. I was happy too to see Connor only have one minor heart rate drop and he recovered without turning blue!! Logan dids great too, although he has always exceeded brother in this area!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I am starting to feel a little better. I still cry at the drop of a hat and am still having a hard time dealing with the prolonged nICU time. Tonight while gavage feeding Connor, he refluxed and his heart rate dropped to the 40's, he went limp and turned bluish. I was holding the tube and unable to pick him up, so I yelled for the nurse and then cried. This is the hardest thing to see.
I promise to post pix tomorrow when we are 9 weeks old......
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Ouchies and such...
Today was immunization day as the boys are 2 months old. They each had 5 to get, but had to only get 4 today since Mama Terri ran out of thigh room. When I arrived Connor had just had his and I got to love on him. He did well and Terri said he barely cried. He ate 1/2 of his bottle and decided he had expended enough energy for the night. The rest went down his tube. Next, it was Logan's turn. I was able to gently hold his arms and head and keep the paci in his mouth. He cried for each stick. It was very hard on Mama Terri and I to do this. We know it is for their own good though. After, I was able to snuggle while he got a tube feed. Connor is up to 50cc a feed and Logan is up to 37cc per feed. Connor is starting to outgrow his Preemie sleepers. Some he has "handed down" to Logan. The others fit him perfectly, but he will be out of them soon and into newborn sizes.
Still no discharge plans in motion for Connor The poor guy just has to learn to eat. Both boys are anemic and they are reluctant to transfuse more RBC's out of fear of hindering their body from making them naturally. Their bloodwork shows they are making cells, just slowly. They are both on vitamins with iron in them. The anemia causes them to tire easily. I am confident they will overcome.
Logan's repeat echo from yesterday showed no change in the ASD or 2 VSD's. His PDA is still open and measuring 2-3mm. WE are still on a "wait and see" basis.
Well, reaching the 2 month mark has really taken a toll on me. I think I have hit a wall and am sad alot lately and have shed quite a few tears. I know it is hormones and going back and forth. I am worn out physically and emotionally. I am thankful to all of the persons who give me support. You are all wonderful. This has been one of the hardest journeys of my life.
Monday, March 20, 2006
2 months old..
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Connor has reached 5 pounds!!!
Off now to finish the nursery................
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
8 weeks old today and meeting for the first time...

Today the boys are 8 weeks old. There is a whole pound difference between them. Logan is 3lb 14 oz and Connor is 4lb 14.3oz.
There are still some issues with eating. This evening, while feedign Connor, he had 3 bradycardias and turned blue. He scared me so bad. Aunt Jodi (Mommy's very good friend) came up to visit and she was able to hold Logan. We had a lot of fun taking these pictures of the boys together.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Twin meets twin....
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Logan is still doing well on the one liter. He has had a couple of reflux episodes where he gags and then turns blue and he desats rapidly. We have to turn him on his side and rub his back to get him to recover. It is scary as he did this yesterday and he spit up projectile. I hope we get that worked out. All in all they are wonderful.
I wanted to post pictures, but it isn't allowing uploads at the time. Try tomorrow!
Special thanks to everyone who has or is donating for the March of Dimes. We are walking on April 29. So far $525 has been raised! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
Connor is off of his oxygen!!!! He is doing it all on his own and is keeping his sats in the 96-97% range! Time to get those crib sheets washed and the nursery tip-top! I think we are on the home stretch. He still needs some help with nippling. He is just chewing on the nipple of the bottle. they are going to have speech therapy work with him a bit. When he eats all of his feeds by bottle we can come home!!! They even mentioned Logan coming home, but possibly on oxygen (ACK!!!) He is doing well too. Still on the 1 liter. |
Monday, March 13, 2006
Lots of changes today..
Connor has been moved into an open crib- the last bed before going home!! His meds have pretty much been all discontinued with the exception of his Lasix (changed to only once a day). His oxygen has been lowered to the low flow cannula and he is on .5 liters per minute and will be weaned down throughout the day. He could be off oxgen all together by the end of the week!!! He is eating every-other feed by bottle too. His weight is up to 4lb 5.8 oz. They said he may lose a little since he has to maintain his temp and breathe, but we will see tonight.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Connor Pix
Logan Pix
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Seven weeks tomorrow!!!!

Here are my little peanuts who will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. They are getting so big! Little Connor is up to 4lb 2.4 oz and Logan is 3lb 8.7oz. Logan finally got over the 3 1/2 pound mark. WEll, as Logan continues to lag behind and the gap between them continues to widen, we are havign to rethink the possibility of surgery again for the PDA. Logan is using up his calories to breath and he continues to be on the 30% of oxygen. He has not been able to be weaned. I will wait to hear what the Dr has to say tomorrow. Logan is just at a stand still when Connor seems to be taking off so quickly. The Nurses are showing the clinical evidence that the PDA is taxing his development and that if we can eliminate that on the heart, as this is the least invasive, it would be beneficial to him. WEll see. For now, they are so cute I just can't stand it. The picture of Logan is horizontal and the one of Connor is vertical.
Looks like we're going backward again...
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
On a lighter note, we are being sponsored by our credit union (where aunt Korrie works) for WalkAmerica. This is the March of Dimes annual walk. We are walking on April 29, 2006. The link Feel free to go out and check up on our progress!
We are very excited about this.
Both boys keep plugging away. Connor is up to 3lb 15 oz. They weighed him 3X because they couldn't believe his weight. Logan was up just 10 grams and is 3lb 7.7oz. They are getting so big now!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
getting bigger...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Little hi, little lo
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Pressing forward
Friday, March 03, 2006
Today we are 6 weeks old
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Logan's day

Today was Logans day in the spotlight. He was able to sport some clothes

Logan had his echo today, and the preliminary report is looking like he will likely have surgery next week. I will know more tomorrow when the official report is back in. That is all we know for now.