Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Connor is off of his oxygen!!!! He is doing it all on his own and is keeping his sats in the 96-97% range! Time to get those crib sheets washed and the nursery tip-top! I think we are on the home stretch. He still needs some help with nippling. He is just chewing on the nipple of the bottle. they are going to have speech therapy work with him a bit. When he eats all of his feeds by bottle we can come home!!!

They even mentioned Logan coming home, but possibly on oxygen (ACK!!!) He is doing well too. Still on the 1 liter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim - Your boys are filling out so nicely. I can't believe how far they've come over these weeks. You, your dh and the NICU staff are doing a great job with them!

Sherida (from the April board)