Connor's weight is up to 5lb 2.5 oz. Logan was 4lb 5 oz.
Today was immunization day as the boys are 2 months old. They each had 5 to get, but had to only get 4 today since Mama Terri ran out of thigh room. When I arrived Connor had just had his and I got to love on him. He did well and Terri said he barely cried. He ate 1/2 of his bottle and decided he had expended enough energy for the night. The rest went down his tube. Next, it was Logan's turn. I was able to gently hold his arms and head and keep the paci in his mouth. He cried for each stick. It was very hard on Mama Terri and I to do this. We know it is for their own good though. After, I was able to snuggle while he got a tube feed. Connor is up to 50cc a feed and Logan is up to 37cc per feed. Connor is starting to outgrow his Preemie sleepers. Some he has "handed down" to Logan. The others fit him perfectly, but he will be out of them soon and into newborn sizes.
Still no discharge plans in motion for Connor The poor guy just has to learn to eat. Both boys are anemic and they are reluctant to transfuse more RBC's out of fear of hindering their body from making them naturally. Their bloodwork shows they are making cells, just slowly. They are both on vitamins with iron in them. The anemia causes them to tire easily. I am confident they will overcome.
Logan's repeat echo from yesterday showed no change in the ASD or 2 VSD's. His PDA is still open and measuring 2-3mm. WE are still on a "wait and see" basis.
Well, reaching the 2 month mark has really taken a toll on me. I think I have hit a wall and am sad alot lately and have shed quite a few tears. I know it is hormones and going back and forth. I am worn out physically and emotionally. I am thankful to all of the persons who give me support. You are all wonderful. This has been one of the hardest journeys of my life.
1 comment:
Dear Kim, my friend
I just wanted to tell you ( I can't tell you enough ) that you are a great friend and a loving Mommy. You are doing a very good job in this hard time. It's ok to be exhausted and down too after all you and your boys (all of them) been through! Be strong I am right here with you! Love Jadeeye
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