How are those for nicknames?? Sis Diana called to check on little "Lo" and it dawned on me that in utero, they were high (Connor) and low (Logan). So, here are todays highs and lows.....
Little HI
Weights: Logan 3lb 5.7 oz. Connor 3lb 10.7 oz. Both boys are doing well. They are eating their bottles well, but Connor gets pooped remembering to suck, swallow, and breath. We are reminded that he is on room air though. I spoke with the neonatologist who said Logan's echo showed his PDA as a moderate size, but the enlargement of the heart was not noted this time. For now surgery is being held off. He will have a repeat echo in a week or so. If he continues to require the higher oxygen and is not able to be weaned, we will evaluate a need to ligate (surgically close) the PDA at a little later date. GOOD NEWS!!!
Little LO
Ugh, had to go back to work today. I was so sad. I kept looking at my boys pictures and wanting to run away to see them. I hate how my going back to work is good for everyone else but myself. (sorry, had to have my own pity party) SIGH...
Daddy is out of town for a trip for school to Alabama where he is reenacting various civil rights movements and doing community service in a poor section of the city. For this week, he will keep a journal of his experiences and will recieve a credit as a 400 level class. WE miss him.
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