Monday, March 13, 2006

Lots of changes today..

Just when I go and worry to death about Logan, he turns around and makes a huge leap!!! Our boy is at 3lb 13 oz!!! He has really started to accumulate the fat in the last 2 days also. He had his oxygen lowered to 1 liter per minute nad is so far tolerating it well. He took 1/2 his bottle for me this morning. To both boys defenses, they had glycerine suppositories this a.m. and were trying to poop and eat at the same time. It wasn' t working.
Connor has been moved into an open crib- the last bed before going home!! His meds have pretty much been all discontinued with the exception of his Lasix (changed to only once a day). His oxygen has been lowered to the low flow cannula and he is on .5 liters per minute and will be weaned down throughout the day. He could be off oxgen all together by the end of the week!!! He is eating every-other feed by bottle too. His weight is up to 4lb 5.8 oz. They said he may lose a little since he has to maintain his temp and breathe, but we will see tonight.

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