This day (we thought seemed so far away) has finally arrived. Connor now weighs 5.03 pounds!!! Logan is now 4lb 2.4oz. Our boys have doubled their birthweights! Logan got his last bed. He is now in the open crib like Connor. Now they are able to push the cribs close together so they can see each other. Too cute. Now, if we can only fiure out the eating thing we can all be home together. It is hard to believe that tomorrow they will officially be 2 months old. We are so thankful for modern medicine and the fact that our boys have been given such a good chance.
Again we thank everyone who has donated to our March of Dimes walk. We are now up to $725. That is $225 higher than our original goal. This money goes toward further research to help preemies and better understand how their little tiny bodies work. Without their research, we wouldn't have our boys.
Off now to finish the nursery................
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