Yes, that's right, Connor is officially a 5 lb 8.2 oz (er). Logan gained .7 of an ounce and that puts him at 4lb 10.7 oz. He is such a big boy and his cheeks are filling out so well. I am working on posting the most fabulous picture of them together yet, but it will have to wait as it was taken by the NICU staff and I have to scan the actual photo. Sigh, they are just gorgeous! They had on matching outfits.
It is hard to believe this blog was started just when I first hel my guys and they were still in the 2 pound range. Now they seem so filled out and and "normal" looking.
Since I was off today, I was able to feed both boys often. WEll, we discovered a problem and think we may have fixed it. A while back I bought some Gerber Preemie bottles. I was going to take them back when the nurse said she felt the nipples the boys were currently using seemed very big for their little mouths. So I washed them and took them in......and it worked!! Both boys latched on better, didnt gag, less spilling out the sides of the mouth, and finished the bottles!!!!!!!So now I am on a mad dash to buy more so we always have clean ones on hand for the nurses. They were just the right size for my boys. I was happy too to see Connor only have one minor heart rate drop and he recovered without turning blue!! Logan dids great too, although he has always exceeded brother in this area!
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