Here are my little peanuts who will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. They are getting so big! Little Connor is up to 4lb 2.4 oz and Logan is 3lb 8.7oz. Logan finally got over the 3 1/2 pound mark. WEll, as Logan continues to lag behind and the gap between them continues to widen, we are havign to rethink the possibility of surgery again for the PDA. Logan is using up his calories to breath and he continues to be on the 30% of oxygen. He has not been able to be weaned. I will wait to hear what the Dr has to say tomorrow. Logan is just at a stand still when Connor seems to be taking off so quickly. The Nurses are showing the clinical evidence that the PDA is taxing his development and that if we can eliminate that on the heart, as this is the least invasive, it would be beneficial to him. WEll see. For now, they are so cute I just can't stand it. The picture of Logan is horizontal and the one of Connor is vertical.
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