Thursday, March 30, 2006

Last night Logan decided to scare the @&*#! out of me. I had changed his diaper and taken his temperature to prepare him for his bottle. Well, the humidity in his tube went gushing into his nose and he sucked it up. He turned blue, his heart rate went down to the 30's and his respirations were 0. He just lay there gasping. I yelled for help and the nurses had to come over and started to stimulate him and suction his mouth. He had all sorts of mucous in his mouth. He finally started to regain his color and cried. I am so not ready for them to come home. What if they choke like that at home?? All of my nursing knowledge goes out the window!! I want them home so bad, but I dont. I am so afraid to have them do this stuff at home and not be able to help them.

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