Still getting bigger! Logan is 4lb 11oz, and Connor is 5lb 10.5oz. The NG tube went back in Connor, as he needs to play catch-up and rest. Hopefully his energy will catch up with his efforts and the tube will come out all together. Logan too is pretty worn out after a marathon run of bottle feeds. He spent the majority of the day on around 23%, but got turned up to feed. He fell asleep during his feed, nipple still in the mouth. They are so stinkin cute I can't stand it.
Tonight our good friend Zach got to come and visit and was able to hold Connor. There were no order changes on the boys tonight. We are hoping 1-2 weeks for Connor to come home. Logan will definately be longer. I wish for them to be home so bad, but I want them to stay as long as necessary to be healthy.
1 comment:
It is really great to know that Connor and Logan are doing well. We are looking forward to seeing them this summer.
We have just spoken to their Granddad Graham. He is so proud of you all.
With our love
Ann & Les (UK)
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